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The bases for models

The bases for models

The bases for models

Models are often well detailed and realistic, but the bases do not live up to this quality. This is usually because the person who made it did not learn well how to make them: they used an inappropriate material for the base or attached it in a way that did not harmonise with the other parts of the model. Although the process of creating the base of a model is generally simple, there are some situations where it can be more difficult.

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What is I2C

i2c standard

What is the i2c standard

I2C, which stands for “Inter-Integrated Circuit”, is a serial bus interface. It was developed as an alternative to other communication buses such as SPI and UART serial ports. The I2C standard was created by Philips Semiconductor in 1982, but is now managed by the I2C Trade Association ( This article explains what I2C is and if IoT systems can use it.

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Materials for 3d printing FDM

Materials for 3d printing FDM

Materials for 3d printing FDM

3D printing is a process that allows manufacturers to create various types of objects with the most diverse materials. This allows them to determine the exact shape and characteristics of their finished product. Compared to traditional prototyping methods, 3D printing can be done with minimal steps. Before a 3D printed product can be made, an STL image of the design is first sent to the manufacturer. This allows a computer to view the design from various angles and perspectives. But which material is best to use for our prototypes?

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What is MDF

mdf platte, structure, fund-186943.jpg

What is MDF?

MDF is a wooden product that can be used in different applications. It has many advantages over solid wood, including durability, stability and ease of use. It tends to be less expensive than real wood and can be cut with a variety of tools. Because it doesn’t warp or chip easily, it’s ideal for projects like furniture building that require straight edges and precise measurements.

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What is the SPI standard

spi standard

What is the SPI standard

SPI stands for Serial Peripheral Interface. It is a full duplex serial communication protocol. SPI uses 4 wires to communicate between devices. The SPI has hardware synchronization capabilities, but there are some implementations without it. SPI cabling is implemented with a single master and multiple slave nodes.

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