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Do it Yourself

Cnc laser cutting

Cnc laser cutting

Cnc laser cutting

CNC laser cutting is a technology that uses a laser to cut materials and is typically used for industrial production applications, but is also beginning to be used by schools, small businesses and hobbyists. The laser beam can be moved over the material, allowing different parts to be removed from the rest of the object. This allows very fine details and high precision to be achieved.

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CNC computerized numerical control

CNC computerized numerical control

CNC computerized numerical control

Computer numerical control (CNC) is a type of machining that uses data and programs to perform cutting, drilling and milling operations. CNC technology has been very important in the manufacturing industry since its introduction. In the past, machinists had to manually program machines to complete a task. This is time-consuming and prone to human error.

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Materials for 3d printing FDM

Materials for 3d printing FDM

Materials for 3d printing FDM

3D printing is a process that allows manufacturers to create various types of objects with the most diverse materials. This allows them to determine the exact shape and characteristics of their finished product. Compared to traditional prototyping methods, 3D printing can be done with minimal steps. Before a 3D printed product can be made, an STL image of the design is first sent to the manufacturer. This allows a computer to view the design from various angles and perspectives. But which material is best to use for our prototypes?

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What is MDF

mdf platte, structure, fund-186943.jpg

What is MDF?

MDF is a wooden product that can be used in different applications. It has many advantages over solid wood, including durability, stability and ease of use. It tends to be less expensive than real wood and can be cut with a variety of tools. Because it doesn’t warp or chip easily, it’s ideal for projects like furniture building that require straight edges and precise measurements.

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nRF24L01 module

nRF24L01 2.4 GHz transceiver module

nRF24L01 2.4 GHz transceiver module

The nRF24L01 is a low cost transceiver module that operates in the 2.4 to 2.5 GHz frequency range and uses FSK, GFSK, OOK and ASK modulation techniques to send packets to other radios in the area. The radio also has a built-in voltage regulator that allows it to operate with 5 or 3V power supplies, making it easy to implement in projects. The module can be used with an Arduino board or with any other microcontroller equipped with an SPI interface or pin header for its pins.

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Extruder 4 things to learn

Extruder 4 things to learn

Extruder 4 things to learn

Extruders are used in 3D printing to eject various materials in a 3D printing volume. Some of these include powders, semisolids and liquids. It is commonly referred to as an elegant hot glue gun. In some cases, it is used to deposit a substance designed to bind printed material. In addition to being the main component of a 3D printer, it is also important to understand the various aspects of an extruder.

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