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Cnc laser cutting

Cnc laser cutting

CNC laser cutting is a technology that uses a laser to cut materials and is typically used for industrial production applications, but is also beginning to be used by schools, small businesses and hobbyists. The laser beam can be moved over the material, allowing different parts to be removed from the rest of the object. This allows very fine details and high precision to be achieved.

The most common materials used in laser cutting are wood, metals (including steel), plastics (including acrylic), paper products such as cardboard or textiles such as fabric or leather. If necessary, lasers can also process non-metallic materials such as rubber or ceramics, but these are not commonly used because they are more difficult than other forms of laser cutting.

Cnc laser cutting: how it works

Laser cutting works by directing the emission of a high-power laser, usually through an optic. The laser beam is applied to the material in a controlled manner to create the finished product. The process can be used for products that require extremely tight tolerances or high precision, such as circuit boards or medical devices. Laser cutting can also process a wide range of materials, including metals such as stainless steel or aluminium, plastics such as acrylic and nylon, glass and ceramics.

Laser cutting, like other types of computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), is used to create a wide range of products, including virtually anything made of plastic or metal. The laser cutting process is similar to other CAM processes, but is more complex than others. The first step in the process is to create a file that contains all the details needed to create the finished part. This file will contain information such as the cutting pattern, material thicknesses and specifications, and any special instructions required by the machine operator.

Once the material has been positioned, it is time to get to work. Laser optics and CNC (computer numerical control) are used to direct the material or laser beam generated. The laser beam is directed onto the material acting as a heat source, melting, burning, vaporising or blowing away with a jet of gas, leaving an edge with a high quality surface finish.

A commercial laser for cutting materials usually includes a motion control system to follow a CNC or G-code of the pattern to be cut on the material.

A motion control system, also known as a servo system or servomechanism, is a mechanical system that uses a computer to control the movement of a tool or machine. The computer can be used to control the movement of the laser beam in order to cut shapes from materials such as wood and plastic.

The CNC or G code is a series of numbers that tell the computer where and how to move the material according to the design to be cut. The laser beam can be directed by mirrors, lenses and prisms to cut intricate designs in wood or plastic. The CNC controls the movement of these moving parts using stepper and servo motors. The computer sends signals to these devices to move according to the design to be cut.

Cnc laser cutting: uses.

Laser cutting is used to cut flat sheet metal and structural and piping materials. Consequently, laser cutting can be used to manufacture flat products such as brackets, covers, ducts and components for HVAC applications.

This type of laser cutting requires less energy than plasma or arc processes and therefore operates at lower temperatures. Because of their lower cost per part compared to other forms of material removal, industrial lasers are often used in repetitive manufacturing applications where the investment in automation makes sense (e.g. high volume production).

A typical industrial laser cutting machine has a power output of between 1000 and 6000 watts. Power is measured in watts and the higher the wattage, the greater the depth of cut (or kerf) and/or the speed at which the material is processed.


The main advantage of laser cutting over mechanical cutting is that it requires less force to move the material through the machine. This means that the laser can cut materials faster than a mechanical device using the same energy source, even though the laser beam is much narrower than would be required for a conventional blade. The result is a much higher acceleration rate and therefore higher productivity.

In addition to the higher acceleration rates achieved by mechanical machines (which are directly related to increased productivity), other advances in laser technology include higher power levels (ability to cut greater thicknesses), better beam quality (reduced cutting width at high production speeds) and the ability to process reflective materials such as copper, brass and aluminium.

In conclusion, cnc laser cutting is a very efficient way to cut your designs and products. It can save you time and money, keeping your customers satisfied with the quality of your work.

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