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choose brush for painting miniatures

paint brush

How to choose the brush for painting miniatures

(Full Guide)

A good brush is an essential tool for painting miniature models. Most often, a pointed round brush is used to paint miniature models. This type of brush has a long, thin handle, which allows you to easily apply paint and blend colors.
Although each painter has his or her favorite brush, the characteristics of that tool may differ depending on which one is chosen.

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Strip Paint Miniature

How to Strip Paint Miniature?

How many times we were front of paint errors or choices that it’s sometimes do not result to be nice.  What are we do for remove the paint on ours miniatures?  What are we do for to strip paint miniature? Which are the better materials  to use? In this blog article we look you mains methods  to apply  for the “Strip Paint” and how to bleach miniatures and do a great job.

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Model making tools

Model making tool

Which type of model making tools we can find in a modeller’s toolbox

Which model making tools we can find in a modeller’s toolbox? In the in a modeller’s toolbox, the ones described below are the tools you need to start building scenographic elements. You are probably already in possession of someone, others will perhaps be unknown to you, let’s go and meet them together. Which type of model making tools we can find in a modeller’s toolbox? Now I’ll explain it to you.

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Materials for model making and dioramas

material diorama model

Which materials for model making and dioramas we can use?

For make an scenographic elements there is materials that we can’t do less, but with practice we notice that also some materials is suitable. In the miniatures world is always we keep in mind that to recycle is mostly a good idea. In this article we go to know common materials for model making and dioramas, listing strengths and weaknesses and the various uses and processing techniques. Now I show you which materials for model making you can use for a great scenographic job.

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