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What is MDF

mdf platte, structure, fund-186943.jpg

What is MDF?

MDF is a wooden product that can be used in different applications. It has many advantages over solid wood, including durability, stability and ease of use. It tends to be less expensive than real wood and can be cut with a variety of tools. Because it doesn’t warp or chip easily, it’s ideal for projects like furniture building that require straight edges and precise measurements.

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Utility of print infill


What is the infill in 3d printing

3D printing is a very popular method of creating objects. Use a digital file to create an object using layers of material that are deposited to build the shape of the object. Infill is an important element of 3D printing that affects the appearance, weight and functioning of the creation.

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Extruder 4 things to learn

Extruder 4 things to learn

Extruder 4 things to learn

Extruders are used in 3D printing to eject various materials in a 3D printing volume. Some of these include powders, semisolids and liquids. It is commonly referred to as an elegant hot glue gun. In some cases, it is used to deposit a substance designed to bind printed material. In addition to being the main component of a 3D printer, it is also important to understand the various aspects of an extruder.

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bed adherence: warping

adherence to the bed the warping effect

Adherence to the bed: the warping

One of the most important factors to consider when it comes to doing a 3D print is the adhesion between the first layer and the printing plate. Without this connection, the entire print cannot be built correctly. In this article, we’ll talk about some of the most common causes and problems of first layer print adhesion and how to fix them.

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Support for 3D printing

Support for 3D printing

Support for 3D printing

Learn about the various support structures used in 3D printing.

This article is intended to help you improve your 3D printing skills and get better at creating better models. Probably, if you have used an FDM 3D printer, you have come across support structures. These are used to support the various layers that are deposited by the printer.

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There are more than eight reasons to use OctoPrint. Learn about the benefits of this application and how it can optimize your printing experience.

Sooner or later you may have had a printing error during the night or the need to be able to control a print remotely as you cannot be present at all times. This problem is solved using OctoPrint, a simple and open source software.