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Port expander MCP23017

Port expander MCP23017

Port expander MCP23017

The MCP23017 is a 16-bit port expander with 32 channels of 12-bit analog-to-digital converters and two generic 8-bit inputs / outputs. Unlike most other port expanders, the MCP23017 has an internal oscillator. The MCP23017 operates at 2 MHz, but can support frequencies up to 1 MHz; It can be cascaded and comes in an 18-pin PDIP package, so you can use it in breadboards and through-hole soldering perfboards. This makes it easy to connect it to other parts of the circuit.

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What is the extruder


What is the extruder?

The extruder is the part of a 3D printer responsible for pushing and liquefying the filament to form each layer. Some printers have one, others two or three! The extruder can be built in aluminum, steel or other metal alloys, depending on the needs. It is typically part of the hot end assembly, which also includes a nozzle orifice. The extruder works by pulling the filament through a heated nozzle at a specific speed, so that it melts and then pushes a thin layer of material onto the platform.

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What is MDF

mdf platte, structure, fund-186943.jpg

What is MDF?

MDF is a wooden product that can be used in different applications. It has many advantages over solid wood, including durability, stability and ease of use. It tends to be less expensive than real wood and can be cut with a variety of tools. Because it doesn’t warp or chip easily, it’s ideal for projects like furniture building that require straight edges and precise measurements.

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What is the SPI standard

spi standard

What is the SPI standard

SPI stands for Serial Peripheral Interface. It is a full duplex serial communication protocol. SPI uses 4 wires to communicate between devices. The SPI has hardware synchronization capabilities, but there are some implementations without it. SPI cabling is implemented with a single master and multiple slave nodes.

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Utility of print infill


What is the infill in 3d printing

3D printing is a very popular method of creating objects. Use a digital file to create an object using layers of material that are deposited to build the shape of the object. Infill is an important element of 3D printing that affects the appearance, weight and functioning of the creation.

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Arduino nano

Arduino Nano is a powerful, easy-to-use microcontroller board that is ideal for both beginners and experts. With this product, you can start small and expand your knowledge as time goes by.