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The bases for models

The bases for models

Models are often well detailed and realistic, but the bases do not live up to this quality. This is usually because the person who made it did not learn well how to make them: they used an inappropriate material for the base or attached it in a way that did not harmonise with the other parts of the model. Although the process of creating the base of a model is generally simple, there are some situations where it can be more difficult.

It is easy to find the materials needed to build a base for your model, but it can be difficult to figure out how to put it all together. In this post we will look at some common mistakes people make when creating their bases and how to avoid them.

Selecting the right material for the bases

Bases are an essential part of any model. They give your figure a place to stand and can help it stand out from the rest of your collection. But they are not only decorative: they can also add an extra dimension to your display, making it more engaging and interesting!

Before you start building, you need to choose the material for the base. There are several options: wood, plastic, resin or metal. Each material has its pros and cons, so let’s take a look at each.

Wood is good because it is easy to work with, but tends to warp over time. It also tends to be heavy and thick. If you want something light and easy to paint, it may not be the best choice for you.

Plastic is another option that is fairly easy to work with, but you have to make sure it is of high quality and does not break easily when heated (like PVC pipe). Plastic is light, which makes it easier for the model’s feet to stay planted on it without falling off all the time!

Cut it to the right shape and size

After choosing the right material for the base, cut it into the right shape and size. The shape can be square, circular or rectangular. You can also choose a shape similar to that of your model or any other shape you wish.

The size of the base must be at least twice the size of the model, so that it can support it properly. If you make a rectangular base, the length must be greater than the width. The same rule applies if you make a circular base or a square base.

After cutting the base, its edges must be smoothed with sandpaper. This will give a better appearance and prevent the model from being ruined when resting on it.

Glue it all together so that it is strong and durable

The best way to do this is to use a hot glue gun or other adhesive that can be melted and applied in layers. The first layer should be the shortest and thinnest, followed by a slightly thicker second layer. This way the base will be strong and durable, but also light enough to be transported.

Once all the pieces are glued together, you can add decorations or textures to make your model stand out! If you are feeling ambitious, there are plenty of ways to decorate your bases. You can paint them, add textures or even use glue to attach small objects such as rocks or feathers. If you are feeling really adventurous, you can even try making some simple decorations yourself. And if all else fails, give your base a good coat of paint!


Model bases are one of the most important parts of modelling. They are not only an essential ingredient for creating a base for your model, but also a great place to add detail and character. You can make your own base out of any material and in any shape or size.

In this post we have discussed the basics of making model bases: what materials are needed, how to find a good base shape and some common mistakes to avoid. We hope you found this post helpful in getting started with making your own model bases.

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